Book description:
Reduce or eliminate costly downtime

Short on teory and long on practice, this book provides examples and case studies, designed to provide maintenance engineers and supervisors with a framework for operational strategies and day-to-day management and training techniques that will keep their equipment running at top efficiency.

Identify and prevent costly equipment breakdowns before they occur with TPM

This results-oriented guide is the culmination of thirty years' real-world, factory floor experience. Short on theory and long on practice, this resource provides maintenance engineers and supervisors with a solid framework for operational strategies along with day-to-day management and training techniques that enable them to identify and address problems before they occur.

Arranged in a logical, user-friendly format, Total Productive Maintenance shows readers how to define and evaluate their existing programs and integrate them with reliability centered maintenance and time and condition based maintenance. The author also provides a wealth of practical case-studies, and action plans for solving everyday maintenance problems.

Learn how to:

  • Identify and address major equipment-related problems

  • Incorporate proven techniques and methods for implementation

  • Accomplish actual TPM implementation with measurable results

  • Integrate TPM with other maintenance management programs

CONTENT THAT DELIVERS PROVEN STRATEGIES AND TECHNIQUES FOR KEEPING EQUIPMENT RUNNING AT PEAK EFFICIENCY: * The Pillars of TPM * TPM and Lean Manufacturing * TPM -- Basic, Use, and Ideal Conditions * TPM -- Analyzing and Categorizing the Failure Data * Fault Analysis: A Few Ways to Help Find Root Causes * SMED -- Single Minute Exchange of Die * Integration Tips and Techniques * RCM -- Reliability Centered Maintenance and Total Productive Maintenance * Time and Condition Based Maintenance and Total Productive Maintenance * Six Sigma: A High Level of Appreciation

Steven Borris

has 33 years of maintenance and training experience -- 20 years working for US companies. While a Senior Engineer at Varian's European Implanter group, he oversaw all operating issues, supported customers, advised on improvement initiatives and provided training for operation/maintenance and electronics.

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