Book description:

Expert guidance on the Biology E/M exam

Many colleges and universities require you to take one or more SAT II Subject Tests to demonstrate your mastery of specific high school subjects. McGraw-Hill's SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M is written by experts in the field, and gives you the guidance you need perform at your best. This book includes:

  • 4 full-length sample tests updated for the latest test formats--two practice Biology-E exams and two practice Biology-M exams

  • 30 top tips to remember for test day

  • Glossary of tested biology terms

  • How to decide whether to take Biology-E or Biology-M

  • Diagnostic test to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses

  • Sample exams, exercises and problems designed to match the real tests in content and level of difficulty

  • Step-by-step review of all topics covered on the two exams

  • In-depth coverage of the laboratory experiment questions that are a major part of the test

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