Pande, Peter; Neuman, Robert; and Cavanagh, Roland. The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook: An Implementation Guide for Process Improvement Teams. US: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook: An Implementation Guide for Process Improvement Teams

Published:  December 2001

eISBN: 9780071431491 0071431497 | ISBN: 9780071373142

Book description:

This companion guide to the bestselling The Six Sigma Way focuses on the project improvement teams that do the real, in-the-trenches work of Six Sigma—measuring performance, improving quality and saving millions in the process.

The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook is a highly practical reference for team leaders and members, outlining both the methods that have made Six Sigma successful and the basic steps a team must follow in an improvement effort. Written by three veteran trainers of Six Sigma “Black Belts” and teams at GE, Sun Microsystems, and Sears, this hands-on guide helps teams obtain the skills they need to identify a product, service, or process that needs improvement or redesign; gather data on the process and the rate of defects; find ways to improve quality up to a Six Sigma level—just 3.4 defects per million; and much more.

* Includes dozens of data-gathering forms and Six Sigma tools and worksheets * Describes key improvement methods in a concise “how-to” format with checklists and tips

A Hands-On Implementation Guide to the Bestselling The Six Sigma Way

Six Sigma is today's most talked-about, and successful, business improvement initiative. The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook goes beyond theory to explain the tools and procedures a project leader or team needs to implement a Six Sigma improvement project. Designed as a step-by-step implementation manual, it explains how to use Six Sigma methods to identify products and processes that need improvement, then use a proactive approach to either improve or redesign them­­boosting performance, reducing costs, and/or increasing customer satisfaction.

Written by three veteran consultants and trainers to GE and other top corporate Six Sigma initiatives, The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook covers dozens of essential tools and basic statistical techniques needed to execute Six Sigma projects in any organizational environment. Written in a concise, how-to format, and with dozens of data-gathering forms, checklists, and worksheets, it provides Black Belts, Green Belts, and team members with the information they need, including:

  • What a Six Sigma project team needs to know before it gets started

  • A five-step guide to leading a Six Sigma team through DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control)

  • When and how to use thirty-five six sigma improvement tools and techniques

Peter S. Pande, Robert S. Neuman, and Roland R. Cavanagh wrote the bestselling The Six Sigma Way. Pande is president of Pivotal Resources, Inc., a leading organizational improvement consulting and training firm. He is an experienced executive consultant and has helped guide Six Sigma initiatives at major corporations. Neuman is a consultant with Pivotal Resources, a sought-after speaker and a former professor at Amherst College and the State University of New York. Cavanagh, a professional engineer, is a consultant with Pivotal Resources, providing strategic consulting and improvement training and coaching to non-manufacturing as well as technical environments.