Publication Cover

SPICE Circuit Handbook

Published: July 2006
ISBN: 0071468579
e-ISBN: 0071491333

Book description:
The expert guidance needed to customize your SPICE circuits

Over the past decade, simulation has become an increasingly integral part of the electronic circuit design process. This resource is a compilation of 50 fully worked and simulated Spice circuits that electronic designers can customize for use in their own projects. Unlike traditional circuit encyclopedias Spice Circuit Handbook is unique in that it provides designers with not only the circuits to use but the techniques to simulate their customization.

Steven M. Sandler

is the founder of AEi Systems, LLC, the world leader in SPICE modeling and worst case circuit analysis since 1995. He has developed and taught courses at Motorola University and has published many books and articles on circuit simulation for McGraw-Hill and

Power Electronics, PCIM,




Charles Hymowitz is the Managing Director of AEi Systems, LLC, and has over 25 years of experience in the EDA software and analog simulation industries. From 1988 to 1998 he helped guide Intusoft, a leading EDA corporation, as the Vice President of Product Development. He was the editor of the Intusoft newsletter, and is the co-author/editor of the books Simulating with SPICE, The SPICE Cookbook, and The SPICE Applications Handbook.