Nayduch, Donna. Nurse to Nurse Trauma Care. US: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2009.

Nurse to Nurse Trauma Care


Published:  July 2009

eISBN: 9780071702546 0071702547 | ISBN: 9780071596770

Book description:

A trauma nurse of more than 26 years shares her wisdom and experience

Includes Full-Text Download!

4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This book covers trauma assessment and injuries in depth, empowering trauma nurses to provide the highest quality care....Based on over 26 years of trauma nursing experience, the author writes a book for other trauma nurses that will sharpen their assessment skills as well as their delivery of care to trauma patients....This insightful book is extremely easy to navigate from and a valuable resource for trauma nurses."--Doody's Review Service

This instant-access point-of-care manual is like having an experienced peer carefully explain everything you must know and do in order to assure the best outcomes for your trauma patients. You'll find insights and learning aids that help you manage even the most difficult trauma situations

Numerous boxes, tables, illustrations, and algorithms help you understand:

  • Mechanisms of injury

  • Trauma resuscitation and stabilization

  • Trauma systems

  • Regional injuries including external, head, spine and spinal cord, face and neck, thoracic, abdominal, orthopedic, and burn

  • Trauma in women and specialty populations

  • Trauma critical care

  • Environmental and mass casualty injury

Donna Nayduch RN, MSN, ACNP, CAISS Trauma Consultant Evans, CO